Q: How long does shipping take for the products I ordered?

A: Most products ship the day they are ordered, Monday through Friday excluding Holidays & weekends. You Should receive your order in 3 to 5 business days. 

Q: Why does the Healing Pen take 5 to 7 days to ship?

A: Healing Pens are made to order; we try to keep a small Inventory of Pens in stock. Most Pens will ship out faster than the 7 days. We prefer you to get your pen earlier vs later than expected.

Q: What if I have questions on Pen assembly?

A: On the Pen assembly Instructions, I provide you with an Email address and phone number should any questions or problems arise. We are always happy to help in any way to make this a stress-free recovery for you and your furry friend.

Q: What makes the Healing Pen an Important part of my dogs' recovery?

A: We support the use of crates and use them for our own dogs. Crates are great for short term use and for containment. Long term confinement in a crate will lead to undesirable behaviors in dogs. It is also very difficult to provide care to your dog when they are in a crate. All crates are designed with a lip at the base of the door. Your furry friend after TPLO surgery is going to have an unsteady gait. The lip is a trip point for your furry friend going in and out of the crate. Our pens are designed with vertical bars to discourage your pup from jumping up. The bars are designed to promote your furry friend to be able to look out and not feel confined. The Pen allows some movement without exceeding the recommendations from your pet's surgeon on activity restrictions. The Pen prevents the oops moments when the dog does something that they should not have done. (Jump up on furniture).